傾斜計を拡大装置に使つた高感度伸縮計とそれによる土地のひずみの観測On the Extensometer of Which Magnifier is a Zöllner Suspenison Type Tiltmeter, and the Observations of the Earths-Strains by Means ...That Men By Various Ways Arrive At The Same EndNoncontact web transporting method and apparatusNoncontact web transporting apparatusOn the Extensometer Whose Magnifier is a Zollner Suspension Type Tiltmeter, and the Observation of the Earth's Strains by Means of t...Across The Plains - Chapter III - FONTAINEBLEAU - VILLAGE COMMUNITIES OF PAINTERSJim Crow Guide: The Way it WasBy Stetson Kennedy 1959Deformation of the human mandible during simulated tooth clenching.Monitoring Pacific Ocean seismicity from an autonomous hydrophone array