Her Maidenly Reserve
The Maidenly Virtues of Chaucer's Virginia
Maidenly Amusements: Narrating Female Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century England
Chapter XLI: “Snow-Drops and Maidenly Delights”
Why Dermit you looks wealthy now, you're dressed maidenly
"Is It Unmaidenly?": Courtly and Carnal Language in Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees
'Maidenly and well nigh effeminate': Constructions of Hindu masculinity and religion in sevententh-century English texts
'Maidenly and well nigh effeminate': Constructions of Hindu masculinity and religion in seventeenth-century English texts
Jane Seager's Sibylline Poems: Maidenly Negotiations Through Elizabethan Gift Exchange[with text]
He rents, she rents Roeper's new video guide divides manly from maidenly