Aesthetic augmentation of the malar-midface structures
Surgical anatomy of the midcheek and malar mounds.
Update: lifting the malar fat pad for correction of prominent nasolabial folds
de Savigny, D.et al. Care-seeking patterns for fatal malaria in Tanzania. Malar. J.3, 27
A modified pre-auricular approach to the temporomandibular joint and malar arch
Preventive zinc supplementation in developing countries: impact on mortality and morbidity due to diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria
A human complement receptor 1 polymorphism that reduces Plasmodium falciparum rosetting confers protection against severe malaria
Dramatic changes in oxidative tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway in experimental cerebral and noncerebral malaria.
Vascular clogging, mononuclear cell margination, and enhanced vascular permeability in the pathogenesis of human cerebral malaria.
Characterization of the pathway for transport of the cytoadherence-mediating protein, PfEMP1, to the host cell surface in malaria pa...