- Malefactors will be pursued and punished.
Male factor
male factor
Male factor
Role of male factor in early recurrent embryo loss: do antioxidants have any effect?
Pentoxifylline in idiopathic male-factor infertility: a review of its therapeutic efficacy after oral administration
In Vitro Fertilization Treatment for Severe Male Factor: A Comparative Study of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Testicular Spe...
The use of novel semen quality scores to predict pregnancy in couples with male-factor infertility undergoing intrauterine inseminat...
Growth differentiation factor-15 and cardiovascular dysfunction and disease: malefactor or innocent bystander?
Zygote intrafallopian transfer or in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer for the treatment of male-factor infertility: a prospec...
Microdeletions on the long arm of the Y chromosome and their association with male-factor infertility.