Tissue culture assays using Caco‐2 cell line differentiate virulent from non‐virulent Listeria monocytogenes strainsUse of mass spectrometry to identify clinical Fusarium isolatesSalmonella carrier state in chicken: comparison of expression of immune response genes between susceptible and resistant animalsProterozoic geologic evolution of the SW part of the Amazonian Craton in Mato Grosso state, BrazilU-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronology of the neoproterozoic granitic-gneissic Dom Feliciano belt, Southern BrazilVirulence associated plasmids of Salmonella serotype typhimurium in experimental murine infectionJuvenile accretion at 750 700 Ma in southern BrazilThe Pb/Pb age of the Minas Supergroup carbonate rocks, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, BrazilQuantification of Experimental Salmonella enteritidis Carrier State in B13 Leghorn ChicksA genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting theSalmonellacarrier-state in the chicken