field marshal n. 陆军元帅
air marshal(英国)空军中将
- A law officer, such as a sheriff or marshal.
执法吏法律官员,如美国的县行政司法长官或警长 - The dean of the school act as marshal of graduation ceremony.
Data marshaling for multi-core architectures
Data marshaling for multi-core architectures
Re-marshaling export containers in port container terminals
Marshaling the Anti-Inflammatory Influence of the Neuroimmunomodulator alpha-MSH.
Modeling and marshaling: making tests from model checker counterexamples
Marshaling the Professional Experience of Doctoral Students: A Contribution to the Practical Relevance Debate
Marshaling Resources to Form Small New Ventures: Toward a More Holistic Understanding of Entrepreneurial Support
Integrated intelligent techniques for remarshaling and berthing in maritime terminals
How Does Private Finance Affect Public Health Care Systems? Marshaling the Evidence from OECD Nations
Method and apparatus for storing persistent objects on a distributed object network using a marshaling framework