- This coat is masculine.
这件外衣是男式的。 - She looks rather masculine in that suit.
她穿着那套衣服看上去有些男性化。 - He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.
他英俊强壮,富有男子汉气概。 - This noun subscribes to the masculine gender.
- Host is the masculine noun for hostess.
host是与hostess相对应的阳性名词。 - There was only one masculine face.
人群中只有一张男性的脸。 - Blue is usually considered a masculine color.
Is ‘real’ Police Work masculinely Gendered?
Summer 2011: Masculinely relaxed manner
Perceptions of the academic community concerning selected effective teaching behaviors of women professors in masculinely-stereotype...
Perceptions of Women Professors' Pedagogic Behaviors in Masculinely and Femininely-Stereotyped Teaching Disciplines.
Lesbian women's perceptions of their parent-child relationships
Caster assembly & shelf for use with collapsible cart
Cro-Magnon Woman--In Eclipse.
From Cooperstown to Dyersville: Spatial and historical practices of baseball nostalgia
Effects of Role Enactment on the Management of Self-Concept and Physical Distance in Virtual Reality Environments
Plastic Surgery for the Other.