Male masturbator
Genreopløsning på masturbatoriet
Telephone counseling and the masturbator: A dilemma
Curing the precocious masturbator: Eugenics and Australian early childhood education
Burghers, Burglars, and Masturbators: The Sovereign Spender in the Age of Consumerism
Of monsters, masturbators and markets: Autoerotic desire, sexual exchange and the cinematic serial killer
Rehabilitation for ejaculatory dysfunction with using a masturbator
Techniken masturbatorischer Rekonditionierung zur Veränderung pädophiler Interessen-eine systematische Übersicht
The National Masturbators' Task Force; or, The Importance of LGBT Political Organizing for Evaluating LGBT Equal Protection Claims i...
The role of masturbation in marital and sexual satisfaction: A comparative study of female masturbators and nonmasturbators.