MedusoidMedusoidThe Enigmatic Medusoid Peytoia and a Comparison of Some Cambrian BiotasA scratch circle origin for the medusoid fossil KullingiaA Chondrophorine (Medusoid Hydrozoan) from the Lower Cretaceous of ChileMaxillary sinusitis caused by medusoid form of Schizophyllum communeA Chondrophorine (Medusoid Hydrozoan) from the Basal Cambrian (Placentian) of NewfoundlandA comparative analysis of the locomotory systems of medusoid CnidariaGonangium development and medusoid of N emalecium lighti (Hargitt, 1924) ( Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Haleciidae) *The life cycle of Sertularia marginata Kirchenpauer, 1864 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa): a medusoid-producing sertulariid