Cabibbo-suppressed decays of the {omega}{sub c}{sup 0}--Feedback to the {xi}{sub c}{sup +} lifetime
El PSOE guanya les eleccions
Analys av klimatskärmens lufttäthet i ett småhus
Annihilation effects in B{yields}{pi}{pi} from QCD light-cone sum rules
Guard rail base and guard rail support
B, Bs -> K form factors: an update of light-cone sum rule results
LCSR analysis of exclusive two-body B decay into charmonium
Neotropical Coleoptera, state of knowledge.
Arachnida: Araneae. Fam. 1-41: arañas de Aragón
Lattice QCD and QCD Sum Rule determination of the decay constants of eta_c, J/psi and hc states