- He stood there in a menacing attitude.
他以一种威胁的姿势站在那里。 - The reason is that the more menacing weapons have often acquired a signaling role.
Managing menacing meningioma
Menacing or Mimicking? Realities of Youth Gangs
Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan
Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan
Menacing mold: the molecular biology of Aspergillus fumigatus.
Metastasis: tumor cells becoming MENAcing
Hidden attraction: a menacing meal of magnets and batteries.
Medicine. Tracing the steps of metastasis, cancer's menacing ballet.
How digital detectives deciphered Stuxnet, the most menacing malware in history
Friend or foe? Brain systems involved in the perception of dynamic signals of menacing and friendly social approaches.