- the books on her father s shelves , the paintings on the walls , the music on the piano - all was just so much meretricious display.
Medicine: meritorious or meretricious
Meretricious mensuration.
Mechanisms of metabolic mischief--meritorious or meretricious?
An Essay on Contract and Status: Race, Marriage, and the Meretricious Spouse
Are effective or meritorious schools meretricious?
Meretricious Mixtures: Gold, Dung, and the "Canon's Yeoman's Prologue and Tale"
Rights of the Putative and Meretricious Spouse in California
Domestic Relations - Legitimacy of Offspring - Presumption of Marriage Subsequent to Meretricious Relationship
The Meretricious Letter of the Libro de Buen Amor
On Meretricious Reasoning in Literary and Art Criticisms