Uprighting mesially impacted mandibular permanent second molarsCorrection of mesially impacted lower second and third molarsUprighting mesially impacted second molars with miniscrew anchorage[Uprighting of mesially or horizontally impacted mandibular molars].A Clinical Study of the Second Molar Transition Mesially by Edgewise TechniqueThe etiology of late lower arch crowding alternative to mesially directed forces: a review.In vitro evaluation of a measurement method to analyze the interdental, mesially directed forceThe Relationship between Angular Position and Eruption Status of Mesially Impacted Mandibular Third MolarsEfficient usage of implant anchorage to treat overerupted maxillary first molar and mesially inclined mandibular molars.External root resorption of the second molar associated with mesially and horizontally impacted mandibular third molar: evidence fro...