METHOD OF CREATING BAS-RELIEF AND MEZZO-RELIEVO ART WORKSThe researches and applications for turn negative abreast with Mezzo-relievo sepulchral stoneReliefWATERSUPPLV SVSTEM OF THE PONTINA PLAIN FROM THE LIRI-GARIGLIANOWATERSHED[Percutaneous radio frequency thermal ablation of non-resectable lung cancer: state of the art]Ricerche sulla rizogenesi di espianti di fusto di Olea europaea L. c.v. "Ogliarola di Monopoli„ coltivati in vitroDescription of a new HLA-DRB1 allele, DRB1*1150.Ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration cytology of breast lesionsNefrectomia laparoscopica su donatore viventeHLA-A*2626, a new allele identified through external proficiency-testing exercise