MillipedesMILLIPEDESbiology of millipedesThe biology of millipedes.Book Reviews: The Biology of Millipedes.A comparison of eye and body surface between surface and cave-dwelling millipedesComplete mtDNA Sequences of Two Millipedes Suggest a New Model for Mitochondrial Gene Rearrangements: Duplication and Nonrandom LossThaumatomyrmex strips millipedes for prey: a novel predatory behaviour in ants, and the first case of sympatry in the genus (Hymeno...Colony composition and specialized predation on millipedes in the enigmatic ponerine ant genus Probolomyrmex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)Lavrov, D. V., Boore, J. L., and Brown, W. M. 2002. Complete mtDNA sequences of two millipedes suggest a new model for mitochondrial...