- Another way to geek up your BlackBerry is to change its signal strength indicator from bars to numbers that tell how many decibels per milliwatt the device is transmitting.
Miniature milliwatt electric power generatorSubmilliwatt, ultrafast and broadband electro-optic silicon switchesMilliwatt Power Blue InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes on Semipolar GaN TemplatesSubmicrosecond, submilliwatt, silicon on insulator thermooptic switchMilliwatt-order blue-light generation in a periodically domain-inverted LiTaO(3) waveguide.Submilliwatt operation of AlGaN-based ultraviolet light-emitting diode using short-period alloy superlatticeMilliwatt-peak-power pulse characterization at 1.55 microm by wavelength-conversion frequency-resolved optical gatingAll-fiber stimulated Brillouin ring laser with submilliwatt pump thresholdAn Er Fiber Laser Generating Multi-Milliwatt Picosecond Pulses with Nearly Shot-Noise-Limited Intensity NoiseContinuous oscillation of a (Sc, Nd) pentaphosphate laser with 4 milliwatts pump threshold