- Nowadays she is minoring in English.
The Little Penguin Eudyptula Minor in Victoria, IV: Moult
The Little Penguin Eudyptula Minor in Victoria, II: Breeding
Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in Victoria: Past, Present and Future
The Little Penguin Eudyptula Minor in Victoria, I: Mortality of Adults
The 1986 Wreck of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in Western Victoria
Enhancing resistance to Sclerotinia minor in peanut by expressing a barley oxalate oxidase gene
Enhancing resistance to Sclerotium minor in peanut expressing a barley oxalate oxidase gene. Plant Physiol 137: 1354-1362
Biliary excretion of biotin and biotin metabolites is quantitatively minor in rats and pigs.
Breeding biology and breeding success of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in a stable and dense population
On the phylogeny of Miniopterus schreibersii schreibersii and Miniopterus schreibersii pallidus from Asia Minor in reference to othe...