- To place a minus sign next to negative exponents.
在负指数旁边放置减号。 - The unary minus produces the negative of the value.
minus signThe Cationminus signpi Interaction.Metalminus signMetal Interactions in Linked MetallocenesElementminus signElement Addition to Alkynes Catalyzed by the Group 10 Metals.Selectinminus signCarbohydrate Interactions: From Natural Ligands to Designed MimicsTransition Metalminus signBoryl Compounds: Synthesis, Reactivity, and StructureAconitase as Ironminus signSulfur Protein, Enzyme, and Iron-Regulatory Protein.Protein Control of Redox Potentials of Ironminus signSulfur ProteinsComparative Quantitative Structureminus signActivity Relationship Studies on Anti-HIV DrugsTheory and Practice of Electron Transfer within Proteinminus signProtein Complexes: Application to the Multidomain Binding of Cytoch...