- I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave.
孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。 - If you misbehave , I will tell .
When Local Government Misbehaves
Who Misbehaves?--A High School Studies Its Discipline Problems.
The pneumococcus: why a commensal misbehaves
Neurological disorders: SHANK2 misbehaves in autism
Enacted support misbehaves because of its personality: A replication.
Insider Misbehaves: How System Complexity and Organizational Culture Affect AIS Misuse
Where the wild things are: when esotropia misbehaves
General (R) Mirza Aslam Beg Misbehaves & Attacks Journalist Azaz Syed (Dawn News)
Where the Money Goes; the $1.6 Trillion Nonprofit Sector Behaves (and Misbehaves) More and More like Big Business
Parent’s response by country to the question “when my child misbehaves I hit, spank, or slap my child” as a binary variable.