The Effect of Shrubs on the Establishment of an Endangered Perennial (Asclepias curtissii) Endemic to Florida Scrub
Teste de envelhecimento acelerado:
Clinical validation of Xpert MTB/RIF for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
Mosquito vectors of the 1998-1999 outbreak of Rift Valley Fever and other arboviruses (Bagaza, Sanar, Wesselsbron and West Nile) in ...
Medicago truncatula Vapyrin is a novel protein required for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
First evidence of natural vertical transmission of yellow fever virus in Aedes aegypti, its epidemic vector.
Amplification of the sylvatic cycle of dengue virus type 2, Senegal, 1999-2000: entomologic findings and epidemiologic considerations
Arbovirus Surveillance from 1990 to 1995 in the Barkedji Area (Ferlo) of Senegal, a Possible Natural Focus of Rift Valley Fever Virus
Continuous cell lines and immune ascitic fluid pools in arbovirus detection.
[Surveillance of the circulation of arbovirus of medical interest in the region of eastern Senegal]