- The racial type of the Zhenpiyan neolithic series of skulls is Mongoloid.
- Some people think they are the descendants of Mongoloid.
Early senile dementia in mongoloid idiocy
A survey of mongoloid births in Victoria, Australia, 1942-1957
The prevalence of psoriasis in the Mongoloid race
[Study of somatic chromosomes from 9 mongoloid children]
Vasomotor sensitivity to alcohol in diverse Mongoloid populations.
The Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian and the origins of the Mongoloids
Cardiac malformation in mongolism: a prospective study of 184 mongoloid children.
21-trisomy/normal mosaicism in an intelligent child with some mongoloid characters.
Southeast Asian mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals genetic continuity of ancient mongoloid migrations.
Heterogeneity of Taiwan's indigenous population: possible relation to prehistoric Mongoloid dispersals.