- This is also a chance to reintroduce monopolistic competition since locational differences are enough to turn otherwise identical producers into monopolistic competitors.
Monopolistic CompetitionMonopolistic CompetitionMonopolistic CompetitionMonopolistic Competition with Outside GoodsMonopolistic Competition and Optimum of Product DiversityMonopolistic Competition and the Effects of Aggregate DemandMonopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: ReplyIncreasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international tradeProduct Selection, Fixed Costs, and Monopolistic CompetitionThe Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect: Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity (May 1974)The Generalized Gravity Equation, Monopolistic Competition, and the Factor-Proportions Theory in International TradeThe E¢ ciency Comparison of Taxes under Monopolistic Competition with Heterogenous Firms and Variable MarkupsInternational trade in the presence of product differentiation, economies of scale and monopolistic competition : A Chamberlin-Hecks...