수치 파동 수조를 이용한 부유체의 문풀 (Moon Pool) 유동해석Moon Pool 구조를 고려한 다이빙 보트 선형 연구Moon PoolOn the piston and sloshing modes in moonpoolsWave synchronizing crane control during water entry in offshore moonpool operations - experimental resultsTwo-dimensional resonant piston-like sloshing in a moonpoolWave synchronizing crane control during water entry in offshore moonpool operationsFender assembly and method for locating a substructure or barge in a moonpool of a ballastable transporterBuoyed moonpool plug for disconnecting a flexible flowline from a process vesselSagatun S I, et al. Wave synchronizing crane control during water entry in offshore moonpool operations-experimental resultsThe water motions in a moonpoolAnti-sloshing device in moon-poolCrane feedback control in offshore moonpool operations