by moonlight借月光
moonlight shadow月光下的影子;月影
- He robes himself in moonlight.
他沐浴在月光下。 - If the sun does not shine on the moon, there will be no moonlight.
- She used to moonlight as a singer at a nightclub.
她过去在夜总会兼职做歌手。 - I have to moonlight to make ends meet.
- Is there a moonlight cruise tonight?
有夜间的游览船吗? - One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.
Moonlight proteins
Effects of Moonlight on Microhabitat Use by Desert Rodents
Does Moonlight Change Vertical Stratification of Activity by Forest-Dwelling Insectivorous Bats?
Animal behaviour: Insect orientation to polarized moonlight
The Effect of Moonlight on Observation of Cloud Cover at Night, and Application to Cloud Climatology.
Thymosin β 4 : actin-sequestering protein moonlights to repair injured tissues
Moonlight's influence on predator/prey interactions between short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) and deermice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Moonlight in Miami: A field study of human-robot interaction in the context of an urban search and rescue disaster response training...
Bacterial Virulence in the Moonlight: Multitasking Bacterial Moonlighting Proteins Are Virulence Determinants in Infectious Disease
Behavioural modulation of predation risk: moonlight avoidance and crepuscular compensation in a nocturnal desert rodent, Dipodomys m...