- He's an absolute moron!
他纯粹是个傻子! - They're a load of morons.
Prepregnancy BMI and the risk of gestational diabetes: a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis
P80 The imbalance between angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors in preeclampsia – preliminary data
The prophylactic efficacy of fluoxetine in unipolar depression
Providing Sustainable Life-‐Services with a Hybrid Micro-‐Power Plant in Developing Countries: an Assessment of Potential Appl...
Cerebral blood flow in schizophrenic adolescents.
Trends, interdecadal and interannual oscillations in global sea-surface temperatures
Characterization of spotted fever group rickettsiae in flea and tick specimens from Northern Peru.
Prognostic significance of Bcl-2 expression and p53 nuclear accumulation in colorectal adenocarcinoma.
The potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to analyse soil chemical and physical characteristics.
Sahel droughts and Enso dynamics