- The motherless children are starving for affection.
那些没妈的孩子渴望获得慈爱。 - Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.
Motherless case in paternity testing.
Motherless Sons: 'Divine Kings' and 'Partible Persons' in Melanesia and Polynesia
A 10-year perspective of motherless-mother monkey behavior
Survival among motherless children in rural and urban areas in Guinea-Bissau.
Estimates of the number of motherless youth orphaned by AIDS in the United States.
The social situation of motherless children in rural and urban areas of Guinea-Bissau
A history of motherless mother monkey mothering at the University of Wisconsin Primate Laboratory
Possible pitfalls in motherless paternity analysis with related putative fathers - Forensic Science International
Prenatal restraint stress and motherless rearing disrupts expression of plasticity markers and stress-induced corticosterone release...
Estimates of Smoking-Attributable Deaths at Ages 15–54, Motherless or Fatherless Youths, and Resulting Social Security Costs in the...