Neuronal RNA granules: movers and makers.Movers and shakers: maize transposons as tools for analyzing other plant genomesMovers and Stayers: Foraging Tactics of Young-of-the-Year Brook Charr, Salvelinus fontinalisOn the Piano Movers' problem: IV. Various decomposable two‐dimensional motion‐planning problemsOn the “piano movers'” problem I. The case of a two-dimensional rigid polygonal body moving amidst polygonal barriersOn the “piano movers” problem. II. General techniques for computing topological properties of real algebraic manifoldsOn the “piano movers” problem. II. General techniques for computing topological properties of real algebraic manifolds ☆File server system using file system storage, data movers, and an exchange of meta data among data movers for file locking and direc...Disturbance induces the contrasting evolution of reinforcement and dispersiveness in directed and random moversAn exploration of the activity theory of aging: activity types and life satisfaction among in-movers to a retirement community.