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Reghin - Mures地区
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Aplicación del análisis discriminante y regresión logística en el estudio de la morosidad en las entidades financieras : compara...Cable slack storage rackAssemblage et fermeture de cable a fibres optiquesManagement of the rape crop protection against harmful insects.The relevance of the evolution of experimental studies for the interpretation and evaluation of some trace physical evidenceStudies on antioxidant effects of the red grapes seed extract from Vitis vinifera, Burgund mare, Recaş in pregnant rats.THE ORGANIZATION OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN CATTLE IN MURES COUNTY, TO DOUBLE THE NUMBER OF SUCH PERFORMED BY OPERATORSMonitoring pollution in river Mureş, Romania, Part III: Biochemical effect markers in fish and integrative reflection.Étude du comportement polarographique des bromures de benzyle substituésMiocene tectonics of the Maramures area (Northern Romania): Implications for the Mid-Hungarian fault zone