- She had been conscious for some days of an increasing sense of disembodiment, as if her limbs and musculature merely established the residential context of her body.
几天来,她就意识到了一种有加无减的魂不守体的感觉,仿佛她的四肢和肌肉系统仅仅构成了她躯体的居住背景。 - The intrinsic musculature of the larynx was found to be relatively undeveloped and not very strong.
喉头本身的肌肉组织被发现是相对地未发展及不是非常强壮的。 - The balanced structure and the smooth musculature enables it to move with ease and agility.
The skull and jaw musculature as guides to the ancestry of salamanders
Pelvic and hindlimb musculature of Tyrannosaurus rex (Dinosauria: Theropoda)
Injury to innervation of pelvic floor sphincter musculature in childbirth.
Experimental analysis of the origin of the wing musculature in avian embryos.
Muscular coactivation The role of the antagonist musculature in maintaining knee stability
Physiological studies of the anal sphincter musculature in faecal incontinence and rectal prolapse
Muscular coactivation. The role of antagonist musculature in maintaining knee joint stability. Am J Sports Med
The Anatomic Basis of Connections Between the Coronary Sinus Musculature and the Left Atrium in Humans
Pathogenesis of ano-rectal incontinence. A histometric study of the anal sphincter musculature.
Differentiating the ligament of Marshall from the pulmonary vein musculature potentials in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillat...