"Muttonhead"in the Modern and Medieval: A New Translation of the Decameron
The Muttonhead Quail Movement:
KINGSTONE AND THRUXTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Kingstone Herefordshire HR2 9HJ Tel / Fax: (01981 250338)
Effect of water restriction on drinking behaviour and water intake in German black-head mutton sheep and Boer goats.
Effect of shearing on water turnover and thermobiological variables in German Blackhead mutton sheep.
Fertility Traits, Survival Rate and Growth Characteristics of Crossbred Blackhead Merino (German Black Head Mutton x Karacabey Merin...
Seasonal influences on blood plasma progesterone concentration in ewes of black head mutton sheep breed (short communication)
Lamb production in the Alpine region with mountain sheep and their crossbreds with Merino and Blackhead Mutton sheep
Grazing behaviour and dry matter intake of llamas (Lama glama) and German black- head mutton sheep (Ovis orientalis forma aries) und...
Erratum to “Effect of shearing on water turnover and thermobiological variables in German Blackhead mutton sheep” (J. Anim. Sci. 8...