- I started to enjoy this kind of music myself.
I Like Myself but I Don't Know Why
The "I Designed It Myself"Effect in Mass Customization
The “I Designed It Myself” Effect in Mass Customization
Memory of myself: autobiographical memory and identity in Alzheimer's disease
The "I Designed It Myself"Effect in Mass Customization.
Mother I'd rather do it myself : Some effects and non-effects of maternal speech style
I Like Myself but I Don't Know Why: Enhancing Implicit Self-Esteem by Subliminal Evaluative Conditioning.
I like it, because I like myself: Associative self-anchoring and post-decisional change of implicit evaluations.
The Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy Perceiving My Group, but not Myself, to be a Target for Discrimination
Well, I Know this is Going to Sound Very Strange to You, but I Don't See Myself as a Disabled Person: Identity and disability