- The nanometer technol ogy is a new and sophisticated technological subject.
纳米科技是一门高新技术学科。 - Nami pearl powder points to that with its diameter reaching the nanometer grade.
Imprint Lithography with 25-Nanometer Resolution
Precise Nanometer Localization Analysis for Individual Fluorescent Probes
Fast mass transport through sub-2-nanometer carbon nanotubes.
Nanometer-sized semiconductor clusters: materials synthesis, quantum size effects, and photophysical properties
Imaging intracellular fluorescent proteins at nanometer resolution
Edge state in graphene ribbons: Nanometer size effect and edge shape dependence.
Anomalous increase in carbon capacitance at pore sizes less than 1 nanometer.
Some interesting properties of metals confined in time and nanometer space of different shapes
The determination of film hardness from the composite response of film and substrate to nanometer scale indentations