The Productive Narcissist: The Promise and Peril of Visionary Leadership
Portrait of a narcissist: Manifestations of narcissism in physical appearance.
The Productive Narcissist: The Promise & Peril of Visionary Leadership (Book)
The Two Pathways to Being an (Un-)Popular Narcissist
Sounds like a Narcissist: Behavioral Manifestations of Narcissism in Everyday Life
The charismatic leader as narcissist: Understanding the abuse of power.
The Two Pathways to Being an (Un‐)Popular Narcissist
Mirror, mirror on the wall, which form of narcissist knows self and others best of all?
Supervisor self‐disclosure: Balancing the uncontrollable narcissist with the indomitable altruist
Positioning the Dark Triad in the interpersonal circumplex: The friendly-dominant narcissist, hostile-submissive Machiavellian, and ...