The agger nasi cell: the key to understanding the anatomy of the frontal recess
Influence of sleep on alae nasi EMG and nasal resistance in normal men
Relationship between alae nasi activation and breathing route during exercise in humans.
Türk halkındaki agger nasi hücresinin görülme sıklığının anatomik olarak incelenmesi
Coupled CaAl-NaSi diffusion in plagioclase feldspar: Experiments and applications to cooling rate speedometry
Das Verhalten der Alkalimetalle zu Halbmetallen. XI. Die Kristallstruktur von NaSi und NaGe
A syndrome of congenital aplasia of the alae nasi, deafness, hypothyroidism, dwarfism, absent permanent teeth, and malabsorption.
Hyposulfatemia, growth retardation, reduced fertility, and seizures in mice lacking a functional NaSi-1 gene.
Electrogenic cotransport of Na+ and sulfate in Xenopus oocytes expressing the cloned Na+SO4(2-) transport protein NaSi-1.
NMR Study of the Synthesis of Alkyl-Terminated Silicon Nanoparticles from the Reaction of SiCl4 with the Zintl Salt, NaSi