The KeratinoSens™ Assay for Skin Sensitization Screening
Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
The Untapped Potential of Social Media
Studies on heterosis expression and degrees of dominance displayed for some quantitative traits characterizing the food utilization ...
An analysis of heterosis vigour and its components in silkworm, Bombyx mori L. hybrids, created from sex-limited lines. IV. Producti...
A 6.6-kV Transformerless Motor Drive Using a Five-Level Diode-Clamped PWM Inverter for Energy Savings of Pumps and Blowers
Five-Level Diode-Clamped PWM Converters Connected Back-to-Back for Motor Drives
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of European Turkey
Contribution to the bryophyte flora of the NW Bulgaria
Dichelyma falcatum: a new aquatic moss to the bryophyte flora of Bulgaria