用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- beautify nature美化自然
- conquer nature征服大自然
- destroy nature破坏大自然
- enliven all nature使大自然生气勃勃
- follow nature遵循自然规律,按自然规律行事
- love nature热爱大自然
- preserve nature保护大自然
- rely on nature依靠自然
- return to nature重返大自然
- struggle with nature与自然搏斗
- transform nature改造大自然
- arouse sb's nature唤起某人善良的本性
- betray sb's nature暴露其本性
- change sb's nature改变其本性
- determine the nature of sth决定…的性质
- have the nature of有…的性质
- reveal sb's nature暴露某人的本性
- spoil the nature of sth毁坏…的性质
- suit sb's nature合乎其本性
形容词+~- aggressive nature侵略的本性
- brutal nature残忍的本性,兽性
- certain nature某种性质
- cold nature冷淡的性格
- compassionate nature有同情心的人,怜悯的性格
- cruel nature残忍的性格
- dangerous nature危险性质
- different natures不同的性质
- gentle nature温和的性格
- good nature善良的性格,好脾气
- human nature人性
- ill nature坏脾气
- impetuous nature急性子,急躁的性格
- inner nature内心
- insensitive nature感觉迟钝的天性
- loving nature爱的本性
- opposite nature相反的性质
- physical nature物理性能
- placid nature慢性子,温和的性格
- real nature真正的本性
- reckless nature不顾一切的性格
- second nature第二天性
- serious nature性质严重
- the moral nature理性,道德品质
- the rational nature理性,道德品质
- true nature真正的本性〔本质〕
- warm nature热情的性格
名词+~- the animal nature兽性
- mother nature大自然
~+名词介词+~- against nature违反自然的
- draw inspiration from nature从大自然获得灵感
- paint from nature写生
- many elements in nature自然界的许多元素
- a law of nature自然法则
- in the course of nature正常地,自然而然地
- secrets of nature自然的奥秘
- sight of nature自然景象
- spectacle of nature自然的奇景
- the beauties of nature大自然中的美丽事物〔景观〕
- wild sight of nature惊险的自然景象
- wounds of nature伤势
- in converse with nature与大自然交流的过程中
- according to the nature of case根据事件的性质
- by nature天生地,出于本性
- be friendly by nature生性友善
- be proud by nature天生的骄傲
- by nature kind and generous天生仁慈和宽宏大量
- social and jovial by nature天性活泼,爱交际
- in nature性质上,事实上,在自然界中,究竟
- a change in nature性质的变化
- in sb's nature to complain生性好抱怨
- in the nature of具有…的性质,像,类似
- of a certain nature具有某种性质
- of a dangerous nature具有危险性
- of a different nature具有不同的性格
- of a literary nature具有文学修养
- of a noble nature具有高尚的性格
- wounds of a serious nature严重的伤
- a book of the same nature同一种书
- true to nature逼真
in nature本质上,事实上
human nature人性;人类本性
by nature天生地;生性
nature reserve n. 自然保护区
second nature第二天性;老习惯
true nature本性
in the nature of具有…性质
mother nature大自然;自然的力量
back to nature回归自然(牧场物语)
beauty of nature美丽的大自然,自然美
good nature n. 脾气好;温厚
law of nature自然法则;自然定律
against nature违反自然地;奇迹般地
all nature[美国口语]人人,万物
physical nature物理性质
nature protection自然保护
dual nature二重性,双重性
sounds of nature天籁;大自然的声音
balance of nature生态平衡;自然平衡;自然生态平衡;自然均衡
nature conservation自然保护;自然保育;自然保持
nature, complexion, personality, disposition, character, temper
- In fact, nature is much better at recycling than we humans are.
事实上,自然界在再循环方面比人类做得更好。 - To a great extent, that is the nature of my own work.
在很大程度上,这就是我工作的性质。 - The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.
人生的终极目标是和自然和谐相处。 - Why is the state of nature a state of war?
为何自然状态是一种战争的状态? - I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.
我正在试图防止我的花园返回一片荒芜的自然状态。 - It's her nature to be generous.
慷慨大方是她的天性。 - Cruelty is quite alien to his nature.
残忍完全不合他的本性。 - Both types of organisms are ubiquitous in nature.
在自然界中普遍存在两种类型的生物体。 - The nature of the high a drug provides depends on the type of drug.
The nature of prejudice
The nature of human values.
The nature and properties of soils.
Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.
On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic
On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic (extended version)
On the self-similar nature of Ethernet traffic (extended version)
Biodiversity Hotspots for Conservation Priorities. Nature 403(6772): 853-858
Banchereau J, Steinman RMDendritic cells the control of immunity. Nature 392:245-252
Alizadeh, A. A. et al. Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403, 503-511