Neap–spring tide sequences of intertidal shoal deposits in a mesotidal estuary
Neap-spring sequences in intertidal shoal deposits in a mesotidal estuary. Sedimentology
Neap-spring cycles reflected in Holocene subtidal large-scale bedform deposits: A preliminary note
Estuary/ocean exchange controlled by spring-neap tidal mixing
Seasonal, Neap-spring and Tidal Variation of Cohesive Sediment Concentration in the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium
Circulation, density distribution and neap-spring transitions in the Columbia River Estuary
Plant Zonation and the Effects of the Spring-Neap Tidal Cycle on Soil Aeration in a Humber Salt Marsh
The effect of the spring-neap tidal cycle on the vertical salinity structure of the James, York and Rappahannock Rivers, Virginia, U...
Observations of Stratified Turbulent Mixing in an Estuary: Neap-to-spring Variations During High River Flow
Morphologic Changes of a Micro-Tidal, Low Wave Energy Beach Face during a Spring-Neap Tide Cycle, Rhône-Delta, France