- Neurasthenic essence is disease of sex of a kind of function, can cure so.
- Shadowboxing and qigong are cure neurasthenic most effective sports treatment.
太极拳和气功是治疗神经衰弱最为有效的体育疗法。 - Neurasthenic essence is disease of sex of a kind of function, can cure so.
Neurasthenic symptoms in workers occupationally exposed to jet fuel
Neurasthenic fatigue, chemical sensitivity and GABAa receptor toxins
Irrational modernism : a neurasthenic history of New York Dada
Neurasthenic complaints and psychometric function of toluene-exposed rotogravure printers.
Irrational Modernism: A Neurasthenic History of New York Dada (Book)
Induction of neurasthenic musculoskeletal pain syndrome by selective sleep stage deprivation.
Laser aryepiglottoplasty for the treatment of neurasthenic laryngomalacia in cerebral palsy
Not in the mind of neurasthenic lazybones but in the cell nucleus: patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have increased production ...
Outcome in severe irritable bowel syndrome with and without accompanying depressive, panic and neurasthenic disorders