Les pyxides découvertes aux Martres-de-Veyre
Pyxides - a less known ceramic form in Babadag area
Les pyxides gallo-romaines en os de Gaule méridionale
Des pyxides en verre à décor peint de la fin du IIe siècle avant J.-C.
Pyxides in glass painted in the Hellenistic period (late IVth-late IInd century BC)
À propos du fragment de plaque cat. 358 et des pyxides cat. 72 et 75
Between toy box and wedding gift: functions and images of Athenian "Pyxides"
The Visit to the Tomb: Narrative and Liturgy on Three Early Christian Pyxides
Colour and Luxury Three Classical Painted Marble Pyxides from the Collection of the National Archaeological Museum, Athens
New Proposals on Some Iron Age Contexts from Vulci and Pontecagnano with Pyxides and Tablet Weaving Belts.