The fate of neurons and neurilemmal cells in allografts of ganglia in the spinal cord of normal and immunologically tolerant ratsPrimary neurilemmal tumour of the liver: case report.Mesenchymal and neurilemmal tumors in the dogA neurilemmal sarcoma in a tortoise (Testudo hermanni)[Neoplasms of neurilemmal sheath in the light of experience of the Department of Otolaryngology, Medical University in Krakow]Primary neurilemmal tumor of the liver : Case reportDiagnosis and treatment of retroperitoneal neurilemma tumorRepairing of Spinal Cord Injury with Schwann Cell Neurilemma Channel in RatsRegeneration in the mammalian peripheral nervous system.Expression of neurotransmitter receptors and myc protooncogenes in subclones of a human neuroblastoma cell line