- Orexin is a new neuropeptide related to diet intake and regulation of endocrine and metabolic functions.
Neuropeptide Y: Complete Amino Acid Sequence of the Brain Peptide
Neuropeptide Y and human pancreatic polypeptide stimulate feeding behavior in rats.
The role of neuropeptide Y in the antiobesity action of the obesegene product
A receptor subtype involved in neuropeptide-Y-induced food intake
Orphanin FQ: a neuropeptide that activates an opioidlike G protein-coupled receptor
Neuropeptide Y--a novel brain peptide with structural similarities to peptide YY and pancreatic polypeptide.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity in peripheral noradrenergic neurons and effects of NPY on sympathetic function
Production of a novel neuropeptide encoded by the calcitonin gene via tissue-specific RNA processing.
Urocortin, a mammalian neuropeptide related to fish urotensin I and to corticotropin-releasing factor.
Sensitivity to leptin and susceptibility to seizures of mice lacking neuropeptide Y