- This is your bedside table for such things as toilet articles.
这是床头柜,您可以放洗漱用具等。 - I also have a lamp next to my bed on the bedside table so I sometimes can read in bed.
Night table
Night table
Night table
No difference between wearing a night splint and standing on a tilt table in preventing ankle contracture early after stroke: a rand...
Effect of African nightshade species (Solanaceae) on developmental time and life table parameters of Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tet...
Night-light table
Combined table lamp and night light
Hospital night table
Toward a "smart"nightstand prototype: an examination of nightstand table contents and preferences
The Graz model of residency in ophthalmology, Part 2: The first night duty (including tables)
Newer Need Not Be Better: Evaluating the Penn World Tables and the World Development Indicators Using Nighttime Lights
Night-Table Reading
Build a Cherry Night Table