Melissa Nobles, The Politics of Official ApologiesShades of Citizenship: Race and the Census in Modern Politics by Melissa NoblesShades of citizenship: race and the census in modern politics. [Review of: Nobles, M. Shades of citizenship: race and the census in ...Jeremy Black, Kings, Nobles & Commoners – States and Societies in Early Modern Europe, a revisionist history.Desarrollo de la infraestructura y del sistema de medida para la calibración de termopares de metales nobles en puntos fijos hasta ...Description & representation de toutes les victoires tant par eau que par terre, lesquelles Dieu a octroiees aux nobles, hauts & pui...Amelioration de la rmn ou de l'irm par la presence de gaz nobles hyperpolarises"Shihoshiki"of "Rokujyoin": by the medium of shinden-zukuri of nobles in Heian eraCompositions de polissage pour metaux noblesLaw as a Social System