- But for some reasons, Japan still possesses Ryukyu until now.
但因种种原因,至今却仍然据有琉球群岛。 - Japan's Ryukyu Islands before formal implementation of the rule, continue to implement assimilation policy.
Paleogeography of the Ryukyu Islands.
A New Frog (Genus Rana) from the Yaeyama Group of the Ryukyu Islands
Pleistocene Coral Assemblages on Irabu-Jima, South Ryukyu Islands, Japan
The evolution of narrow reef flats at high-latitude in the Ryukyu Islands
A molecular phylogenetic framework for the Ryukyu endemic rodents Tokudaia osimensis and Diplothrix legata
Late Quaternary course changes of the Kuroshio Current in the Ryukyu Arc region, northwestern Pacific Ocean
Multiple invasions of the Ryukyu Archipelago by Oriental frogs of the subgenus Odorrana with phylogenetic reassessment of the relate...
Transition from oblique subduction to collision: Earthquakes in the southernmost Ryukyu arc‐Taiwan region
Production of diploid and triploid offspring by inbreeding of the triploid planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis.
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of volcanic rocks from the Okinawa Trough and Ryukyu Arc: Implications for the evolut...