- Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality.
游牧主义和部落文化在优雅风格和服饰心态上产生了碰撞。 - But all of those early depictions and predictions of nomadism arguably missed the point.
The End of Nomadism?
The end of nomadism? :
Pastoral Nomadism in the Andes
Scientific Nomadism and the New Geopolitics of Knowledge
Nomadism and Site Tenacity as Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Birds
The end of nomadism? Society, state and the environment in Inner Asia.
Field Evidence for Nomadism in Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus
From migration to nomadism: movement variability in a northern ungulate across its latitudinal range
Site tenacity and nomadism in Tengmalm's owl ( Aegolius funereus (L.)) in relation to cyclic food production
A model of area fidelity, nomadism, and distribution patterns of loggerhead sea turtles ( Caretta caretta ) in the Mediterranean Sea