nonmetallic material非金属材料
- A great effort is made to keep porosity, segregation, impurities, and nonmetallic inclusions to as low a level as possible.
Nonmetallic crystals with high thermal conductivity
Nonmetallic Conduction in Thin Metal Films at Low Temperatures
Nonmetallic Conduction in Electron Inversion Layers at Low Temperatures
Active Nonmetallic Au and Pt Species on Ceria-Based Water-Gas Shift Catalysts
Long-lived nonmetallic silver clusters in aqueous solution: preparation and photolysis
Quantum interference in macroscopic crystals of nonmetallic Bi2Se3
Mobile and Immobile Effective-Mass-Particle Complexes in Nonmetallic Solids
Self-Assembled Gold Nanoparticle Thin Films with Nonmetallic Optical and Electronic Properties
Density-functional calculation of effective Coulomb interactions in nonmetallic systems: Application to Mn in CdTe, CdS, and ZnO.
Exchange-correlation functional with broad accuracy for metallic and nonmetallic compounds, kinetics, and noncovalent interactions