Nonmigratory Cow Elk Herd Ranges as Management UnitsWinter Ecology of Nonmigratory Alpine Red DeerSocial Group Patterns and Associations of Nonmigratory Elk (Cervus Elaphus) in MichiganHabitat selection and demography of a nonmigratory woodland caribou population in NewfoundlandHome Ranges and Activity Patterns of Nonmigratory Elk of the Madison Drainage Herd as Determined by BiotelemetryExtreme sex-biased dispersal in the communally breeding, nonmigratory Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii).Type A Influenza Virus Surveillance in Free-Flying, Nonmigratory Ducks Residing on the Eastern Shore of MarylandHow Fit are Floaters? Consequences of Alternative Territorial Behaviors in a Nonmigratory SparrowTHE HISTORICAL PATTERN OF GENE FLOW AMONG MIGRATORY AND NONMIGRATORY POPULATIONS OF PRAIRIE WARBLERS (AVES: PARULINAE)Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor confers migratory properties to nonmigratory postnatal neural progenitors.