Old Flames Can't Hold a Candle to You
Can't hold a candle to future energy needs
Birthday Boy Can't Hold a Candle to Cech
Most Gifts Can't Hold a Candle to Amazon's Kindle; Electronic Reader Beats All Sales Records
Football: Wicklow Can't Hold a Candle to Fiery Farney; MONAGHAN JUST TOO HOT
Rugby Union: Wicklow Can't Hold a Candle to Fiery Farney; MONAGHAN JUST TOO HOT Monaghan 2-19 Wicklow 3-06
No-One Can Hold a Candle to Us Young Firefighters! NATIONAL CHAMPIONS: Junior Brigade in Triple Trophy Win Is the Best in Britain
Wex Can't Hold a Candle to Cats; Allianz III NHL DIV 1A: Wexford 1-05 Kilkenny 0-23 KILKENNY SIMPLY A CLASS APART
Gardening: Give Winter a Lighter Touch; Pansies Can't Hold a Candle to the Dazzling Dogwoods for Winter Colour, Says John Humphries
GAA: WICK SNUFFED OUT AT CROKER; LOUTH 4-12, WICKLOW 2-7 O'Leary's Men Can't Hold a Candle to Louth as the Wee County Shines Brightl...