
Golden handshake long haul strike while the iron is hot sweetheart deal small talk walk and chew gum spadework movers and shakers red ink get off the ground hive of activity duty bound peanut heads will roll department store buy out hold the fort dry run bottom line work like a charm walking papers tricks of the trade boot out be there for the taking pass muster long before business as usual deliver step into the breach steal a march on someone start the ball rolling have a finger in every pie square deal smokestack industry silent partner gain ground seal of approval skeleton staff red tape shotgun approach in a tight spot shape up or ship out separate the sheep from the goats cash cow share option roaring business in the wings play the market get down to brass tacks break even in the market for carry over ostrich strategy move the goalposts monkey business mix business with pleasure lame duck license to print money set the stage for irons in the fire cold call nuts and bolts hard sell household word get the show on the road give someone a free hand go further on the dole farm out eager beaver set the record straight go above and beyond the call of duty dream ticket jump on the bandwagon in the doldrums dog-eat-dog go public close the books dead wood elbow grease creative accounting copper-bottomed a cog in the machine too many chiefs and not enough Indians fill the bill carve out a niche doom and gloom stand the pace in a mess business before pleasure above board back to the salt mines ambulance chaser Big wheel hold all the aces golden handcuffs throw money at something throw cold water on take public trade secret take a nosedive bang for the buck sell like hotcakes entitle to a piece of the action cut corners team up give someone the green light conclude in the works belly up double-check company man win-win come on strong law practice captain of industry carry the day wear more than one hat the boys in the back room calculated risk second budget squeeze cut and dried firing line done deal bottom fell out back burner keep head above water give someone free rein business is business cutting edge climbing the corporate ladder fashion designer up to speed make hay while the sun shines headhunt opposite number grunt work in the red get the sack line of work jack up xerox subsidy in hot water get a break blue chip company call the shots put someone out to pasture for a song golden parachute gain the upper hand all hands on deck up-and-coming learn the ropes ballpark figure wheeling and dealing seal throw over the wall nitty-gritty on the block in the pipeline crack down not by a long shot clinch call it a day get the axe cream of the crop bail out sweetheart agreement deliver the goods sign blank check fine print pass the buck slack off face value across-the-board bean counter strictly business knuckle down go out of business bait and switch pound the pavement talk shop take the floor get the ball rolling show someone the ropes common practice put on hold up and running corner the market hit the ground running work to rule going concern rule of thumb pick up steam brick-and-mortar plum job tight budget sign on the dotted line play second fiddle guest speaker get something down make the cut first and foremost no two ways about it to the nines wither on the vine tried and tested chicken feed in the bag ahead of the pack dab hand rise to the occasion the sky is the limit go the extra mile one too many fine-tooth comb zero in on run a tight ship explore all avenues keep the wolf from the door acid test put the kibosh on have two left feet Pyrrhic victory roll in on all fours dead end cut throat make inroads into more money than sense go up in smoke draw a blank snatch victory from the jaws of defeat play for time on the ball meet halfway top dog on a shoestring fall flat gravy train bend over backwards kill two birds with one stone zero tolerance make light work of something on course sink or swim second to none