sit in his now-famous wheelchair坐在已驰名天下的轮椅里
Snow'snow-famousstatement was meant to emphasize boththeimportanceofthermodynamics and the necessity for nonscientists to learn aboutit.
At anow-famousseasideoutcropontheeasterncoastofScotland,hesawnearlyhorizontallayersofredsandstoneon topof completely vertical layersofamuchdifferent,graysedimentaryrock.
Many will still remember vividlyArmstrong'snow-famous comment when he firststepped down on the lunar surface: "onesmallstepforaman, one giant leapformankind".
HER now-famous figure has [...]Anger Management for Justice Katju ; That Penchant for Anger and Truth-Telling Found Its Date with History in His Now-Famous Blog, "...Classical: Fame was the only spur Gerard Presencer was paid only pounds 300 for his now-famous solo on Cantaloop - but it made his n...Shadows of `the English Patient `in the Skin of the Lion' by Ondaatje Sows the Seeds of the Now-Famous StoryIT TOOK A LOT OF ILL-FATED SINGLES FOR THESE NOW-FAMOUS '50S ARTISTS TO FIND SUCCESSNow-Famous Friends: Well, Sort OfA Now Famous EscapeW White Horse Whisky Please; after Being Refused a Train Ticket the Now Famous Wrexham Pony Drowns Sorrows at the Local Pub, the learned Metropolitan of Nicomedia, surprised the world by the publication of the now famous Didache, which he had discovered i...The now famous D17 Boyajian